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Data Deletion Instructions

If you wish to delete your activity data in ommaworks.com, you can follow the steps below:

To delete your data from Facebook:

  1. Go to your Facebook Account’s Settings & Privacy, then click “Settings.”
  2. Navigate to “Apps and Websites” to view all your app activities.
  3. Locate the checkbox next to OMMA and select it.
  4. Click the “Remove” button.

To delete your data from Instagram:

  1. Go to your Instagram Account’s Settings, then click “Apps and Websites.”
  2. Click the “Active” tab to view a list of connected apps.
  3. Locate the “Remove” button for any Omma-related apps and click it.

To delete your data from our Web Panel:

  1. Log in to the panel using your credentials.
    Click “Integrations.”
  2. Delete the account you wish to remove. (Please note: if any content is using this integration, you must first delete the related content.)

If you encounter issues or require assistance, please contact [email protected].

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